Scaling B2B Sales : What hurdles are stopping you?

Do you see well organized CRM data driving a well defined strategy and a nicely honed set of tactics? Or do you see CRM data that suffers from duplication, omissions and other problems? Better than nothing – but definitely not the best starting point for scaling B2B sales.

How would you (perhaps privately) answer the questions below:

  • Do requests for customer analysis just result in stories and anecdotes?
  • Do you hear anecdotes rather than see coherent data, or evidence?
  • Is your Sales function using native talent to compensate for shortcomings?
  • Are Sales only really successful when leveraging history, relationships and so forth?
  • Is generating genuine new business really hard?

Tripping over can hurt sales growth

What constrains your business?

  • Does its history and people limit it?
  • Do you find expanding the customer base costly?
  • Do lists of apparently good companies produce few prospects?
  • Does cleansing lists waste lots of sales time?
  • Are you pursuing tactics without realising the common thread?

There are often three big problems

  1. No ability to rank new (i.e. uncontacted) companies for potential. Past history, internal measures or expensive data cleansing drive any assessment.
  2. No profiling to ensure you get prospects who are “similar” to existing customers. Any profiling is general. It isn’t refined to match the product or service you want to push.
  3. Chance causes sales people to pursue opportunities. Data and evidence don’t play much of a role.

You are not alone. Many companies are stuck. And common misconceptions hold companies hostage. Such as

  1. Failure to scale B2B sales shows lack of skill or effort.
  2. Marketing lists are a commodity and good ones are easy to obtain.
  3. Company data that passes credit checks is good enough.
  4. Cleansing CRM data is all about contact data.
  5. New marketing or sales approaches or even personnel will solve the problems.
Scaling B2B Sales doesn’t happen when opportunities are avoided